The First Day Hike at the Mines of Spain Recreation Area will be held on January 1, 2024, at 12:00 PM. Interested parties should meet at the EB Lyons Interpretive Center, located at 8991 Bellevue Heights, Dubuque, IA 52003. There is no registration required.
Come out with family and friends to join us for a First Day Hike lead by Friends of the Mines of Spain. We will start by meeting at the EB Lyons Interpretive Center at 12:00pm and break up into necessary groups to have smaller hiking groups. The hike will be on uneven terrain and last roughly 20-40 minutes. Afterward, hikers are invited to join us back in the EB Lyons Interpretive Center to warm up, conversate, and enjoy refreshments provided by the Friends of the Mines of Spain. Please dress for the weather with boots, gloves, hats, and layers. Bring trekking poles/hiking sticks as needed for your personal safety while hiking. This is a free family event.
First Day Hikes has been a free, guided hike in all 50 states since 2012 under the America State Park Alliance. The First Day hikes are intended to promote a different way of celebrating the new year by going outside, getting some exercise, and experiencing local nature and history.
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