
Dubuque County Historical Society Receives Funding

Dubuque County Historical Society and its National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium are pleased to announce that it received several grant awards from area foundations in support of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, equity, and accessibility initiatives. The Museum & Aquarium is committed to making broad-spectrum improvements to create a contemporary environment that is inherently dynamic, accessible, equitable, inclusive, and relevant to all visitors.

Andersen Corporate Foundation and Andersen Corporation, Dubuque Plant awarded the Museum & Aquarium $5,000 in funding in support of STEM educational curriculum development for the Museum’s River of Innovation Maker Space, slated to open in summer 2020.

Dubuque Racing Association (DRA) awarded the Museum & Aquarium $10,000 to support the installation of automated doors in an effort to advance equitable and inclusive accessibility to the Museum boatyard and outdoor exhibits. DRA provided 145 local organizations with $1,125,422 in funding support in 2019.

John Deere Foundation awarded the Museum & Aquarium $50,000 in funding to support the creation of a design-based educational model for the Museum’s new permanent exhibit, River of Innovation. Funding will also provide equitable access by underwriting the Museum’s Everybody’s Museum Membership program for the underserved and bus grants for field study

US Bank Foundation has provided $2,000 in funding to support the STEM educational model for River of Innovation Maker Space that will reiterate connected learning and support engagement that is interest-driven, socially relevant, and aimed at providing accessible and equitable educational opportunity.

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