
ECIA Fund Alert

Below is a list of grants that may fit your community priorities. If you would like more information on a grant, contact Marla Quinn at Due dates and program purpose are subject to change – always refer to the program website for up-to-date information.

Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant
The primary goal of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) is to meet the firefighting and emergency response needs of fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations. Apply by January 21.

Enhance Iowa – Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Program
The Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) program assists communities in the development and creation of multiple purpose attraction or tourism facilities. Projects must be available to the general public for public use and be primarily vertical infrastructure. Apply by January 21.

National Endowment for the Arts-Big Read
NEA Big Read annually supports approximately 75 dynamic community reading programs, each designed around a single NEA Big Read selection. Each community program that receives an NEA Big Read grant—which ranges between $5,000 and $15,000—is also provided with resources, outreach materials, and training on various aspects such as working with local partners, developing public relations strategies, and leading book discussions and Q&As. The programs last approximately one month and include a kick-off event, often attended by the mayor and other local luminaries; major events devoted specifically to the book (e.g., panel discussions and author reading); events using the book as a point of departure (e.g., film screenings and theatrical readings); and book discussions in diverse locations involving a wide range of audiences. Apply by January 21.

Community Catalyst Grant
Provides grants to communities for the redevelopment, rehabilitation or deconstruction of buildings to stimulate economic growth or reinvestment in the community. Strong applications will show the potential of catalytic economic growth in the community; improve appearances & safety; make use of underutilized property, exhibit appropriate design standards; and be well-funded. Economic growth may include the creation of additional jobs, growth of new or existing businesses, development of new housing units, increase property values, or potential population growth. Apply by January 21.

US Bank-Community Possible Grant Program (Play Category)
Play brings joy, and it’s just as necessary for adults as it is for kids. But in low-income areas there are often limited spaces for play and fewer people attending arts and cultural events. That’s why we invest in community programming that supports ways for children and adults to play and create. Apply by January 21.

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