What we’re drinking: Spotted Cow

ABV: 4.8%
Who Brews It: New Glarus Brewing Co.
Where you can find it: Spotted Cow is not available in Iowa. Instead, cross the border to Wisconsin to pick up some cans or bottles.
Expected Price: Prices vary between cans, bottles, and the size of the pack you’re getting. $10.99 for a 6 pack of bottles is a good baseline.
A lot of the variety in craft beer has been due to the explosion of hop varieties in the USA. Brewers have taken these new hops and used them to create increasingly bold IPAs, which is phenomenal news if you’re a fan of piney, citrusy beers. I’m one of those people. Still, I recognize that many beer drinkers think IPAs have more in common with a car freshener than actual beer. This attitude unfortunately causes people who enjoy domestics to miss out on a lot of good beer. In this article, we’re discussing one of these beers, Spotted Cow by New Glarus Brewing Company.
Spotted Cow is one of those beers that just works with everything. It’s the alcoholic equivalent of a Swiss army knife. Need something for a tailgate? Spotted Cow. A beer for when you’re exhausted after being outside on a hot summer day: Spotted Cow. A beer for when you’re bundled up in a flannel and blanket watching Netflix while it snows outside? Strangely enough, also Spotted Cow. Need something to go with a bunch of cheese curds? Obviously, this calls for Spotted Cow. With IPAs and hoppy beers, you must be cognizant of the hop profiles and know what you want at the moment. With stouts and dark beers, there’s a heaviness to the drink and the ABV can be unexpectedly high. With Spotted Cow, it’s just there. Ready when you need a nice drink.
To read the remainder of this article and other premium articles in their entirety, pick up the February 2025 issue of Julien’s Journal. Single issues are available in print at area newsstands, or you can click here to read the entire article in the digital version of the magazine.
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