Health & Wellness

Stonehill Receives Tipping Point Award

Stonehill Franciscan Services in Dubuque, IA was named one of 24 winners of the inaugural round of the Tipping Point Challenge, a national innovation and quality improvement challenge sponsored by the Center to Advance Palliative Care and the John A. Hartford Foundation. Over 1,500 organizations nationwide participated in the Challenge.

The goal of the first Tipping Point Challenge was to help health care organizations expand the ability to effectively care for seriously ill patients by enhancing skills among clinicians in all medical specialties treating serious illness. These include communication, pain management, and symptom management skills directed at the complex needs of people living with serious illnesses.

“We are always working to provide the right care at the right time and provide the best possible care. This award demonstrates that,” said Peg Stockel, Stonehill Administrator.

Palliative Care is a specialized type of healthcare for individuals with chronic illnesses that focuses on what matters most to the individual person whether that be quality of life, pain management, or other health goals. Stonehill launched its Palliative Care program in 2019 and now has a dedicated Palliative Care Unit.

The mission of Stonehill is to, in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, provide a continuum of quality lifetime care services in a dignified atmosphere. Stonehill offers a full continuum of services including independent and assisted living, memory care, post-acute rehab, long term care, inpatient and outpatient therapy, palliative care and hospice care, and a state-of-the-art wellness center open to the public. More information is available at

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