Health & Wellness

Spiritual Enrichment – May 2022


Grandparent Tea – Thursday, May 5 @ 9:30 AM-11 AM
Celebrate the gift of grandparenthood over a cup of tea! This monthly group will meet to share prayer, stories, ideas, and unique family dynamics while musing over the joys of grand parenting!

Mexican-American Dinner – Thursday, May 5 @ 6 PM
You won’t have to go south of the Border for this Fiesta. Enjoy a delicious Mexican-American fare prepared by our amazing Shalom Spirituality Center cook, Margie, all while listening to the toe-tapping sounds of the David Overby band.

Taizé Prayer – Thursday, May 5 @ 7 PM-7:45 PM
Held in our beautiful and historic chapel, this contemplative prayer time includes a Scripture reading, sung repetition of short refrains, shared silence, and intercessions. Taizé prayer invites the participants to sing simple refrains repeatedly to reinforce the meditative quality of the prayer. This basic style can penetrate the marrow of our spirits and the silence of our hearts. Come and tune into the solitude of this holy place and praise our God!

Backyard Blessings (Nature’s Remedies) – Monday, May 9, 6:30 PM-8 PM
Nature offers us a plethora of healing properties. Join us as we walk the countryside discovering plants and learning about the holistic, healing benefits they can bring to our overall well-being. Enjoy a delicious tea made from fresh leaves and even take home your own healing plant.

Prayer Shawl Ministry – Thursday, May 12 @ 10 AM-12 PM
Mari and her mother have woven many prayers into their prayer shawl ministry, which serves in and outside the community. Mari will share and show how this ministry supports our connections with others using fabric and textiles. Join us as we share fellowship and shawl making. Newcomers to the ministry and crocheting/knitting are welcome (we will teach you)!

Nature’s Playscapes – Wednesday, May 18 @ 6:30 PM-8 PM
Remember your childhood moments playing outside in your backyard and nearby wooded areas? Or the pure joy as you embraced nature’s playground immersed in the beauty of God’s creation? Jared McGovern knows this joy and wants to share his passion for nature and the joyful moments he created for his own children by creating a natural playscape area at his home. Jared will also share how area parks and nature centers offer similar playscapes for all ages.

Welcoming Weeds (Nature’s Remedies) – Monday, May 23 @ 6:30 PM-8 PM
Welcome the weeds! Before you pull another weed, join us and discover their potential benefits! This interactive session helps you discover the holistic and healing potential of common yard weeds. In addition, participants will develop their very own all-purpose salve as a take-home gift. You will never look at weeds the same way again!

Annual Picnic on the Hill – Thursday, May 26 @ 11:30 AM-1 PM
Enjoy one of your first picnic lunches of the season in our dining room or outside on our beautiful deck or find a peaceful spot on the hill. Menu will include a traditional summer fare. Come with friends, bring your family, or spend a lunch hour alone! The peaceful atmosphere and a delicious meal are a great way to welcome the summer season!

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