Health & Wellness

Consistency in Your Workout Routine

by Bri Edwards, Integrative Health and Nutrition Coach, Statera Integrated

We’re a month into 2021 now. Chances are the honeymoon phase with your New Year fitness resolution is coming to an end. It’s getting a little harder to roll out of bed for your early morning workout, or heading straight home to binge-watch your favorite Netflix show is starting to sound a lot better than making the extra effort to move your body.

I get it. I have been there and done that. Motivation is not a constant – sometimes motivation doesn’t come until you’re already doing the activity, or maybe not at all that day. The key is to find ways to still fit in exercise even when you’re not feeling motivated.

Over the years, I’ve acquired a few tools to keep me going when it seems the couch is calling my name.

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