
The Russians Are Coming!

The University of Wisconsin Russian Folk Orchestra will perform at 3:00 PM Sunday, March 30, 2025, in Blades Chapel, Blades Hall, University of Dubuque.

The UW Russian Folk Orchestra has been performing Slavic and East-European folk music on authentic Russian instruments for nearly 30 years. The orchestra is made up of two groups of Russian stringed instruments: balalaikas and domras. Balalaikas are triangular shape and come in the five sizes of prima, secunda, alto, bass, and contrabass, while domras are oval shape and come in the four sizes of piccolo, prima, alto, and bass. The orchestra also uses accordions, bayans, and various woodwind and percussion instruments.

Victor Gorodinsky, MM, MLS, is the music director and founder of the UW Russian Folk Orchestra. He is originally from Moscow, Russia, and immigrated to the United States in 1982. Years later, in 1996, with financial help from the Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, Gorodinsky purchased a number of authentic Russian folk instruments and rehearsals began for the UW Russian Folk Orchestra fall 1997.

“The Madison-based orchestra is unique in that they perform on authentic instruments and in traditional costume, which gives audience members a wonderful glimpse into the art and music of multiple Eastern-European regions, not just Russia,” said Kristen Eby, MM, head of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts, director of choral activities, and associate professor of music.

The UW Russian Folk Orchestra performance is open to the public. Tickets are $20 for the public and may be purchased at the door.

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