
Dubuque Airport Awarded Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding

The FAA awarded nearly $1 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding to improve airport terminals across the U.S. These improvements will expand terminal capacity, energy efficiency and accessibility that improves air travel for passengers.

Todd Dalsing, Airport Director said, “Improvements to the terminal and airfield will include a solar array system that will provide power to the terminal building, airfield runways, taxiways, and apron lighting. This project will reduce the annual FY2022 terminal and airfield electrical expenses estimated at approximately $75,000, as well as provide an environmentally friendly project and decrease the Airport’s carbon footprint.

This Federal Aviation Administration funded project can be found in the Dubuque Regional Airport Master Plan that was approved November 2021.

Over the lifetime of the system, this project will save the equivalent of:

  • 451,000 trees
  • 2 million gallons of gas consumed
  • 63,000 tons of waste recycled instead of land filled
  • 19 million pounds of coal burned
  • 2 billion smart phone charges

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