Health & Wellness

Innovation for Incontinence

by Megan Reisch, DNP

No longer does urinary incontinence need to be something with which women have to deal. Whether incontinence is due to childbirth, aging, or menopause, new technologies are offering non-invasive options to address this issue. One such technology is Emsella by BTL Aesthetics.

Emsella revolutionizes incontinence treatment for women through the use of HIFEM technology (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology), specifically targeting the muscles located at the base of the abdomen that attach to the pelvis, known as the pelvic floor. This is the group of muscles that are affected during pregnancy, the postpartum period, and throughout aging that can lead to issues such as incontinence. Within this pelvic floor system, a loss of collagen and elastic fibers, decreased blood flow, loss of neuromuscular control, and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles contribute to urinary incontinence.

The HIFEM technology offered through Emsella allows for the strengthening and reeducation of these muscles through interaction within a magnetic field. The opposing positive and negative pull within this magnetic field is transmitted through the pelvic floor muscles causing an involuntary contraction: the same concept as a kegel, but with a greater force of muscle stimulation while also helping to restore neuromuscular control within the pelvic floor system. This leads to the restoration of collagen and elastin, increased blood flow, re-establishment of neuromuscular control, and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles.

Although Emsella was originally developed to address the issue of stress incontinence, the involuntary loss of urine due to physical activity, it has been reported as providing some relief for those with urge incontinence as well. Whether an individual is dealing with stress or urge incontinence, either can greatly affect one’s quality of life from a physical, mental, and emotional standpoint. This may be the result of the inability to participate in physical activity without leaking urine, the cost of alternative interventions (hygienic pads, medication, etc.), or issues with intimacy, among others.

Emsella patients report 95% satisfaction in the improvement of their symptoms and a 2/3 reduction or total elimination of hygienic pad use. The treatment itself is 28 minutes in length and allows the patient to remain fully clothed. Following the session the patient can immediately resume normal activity. Patients describe feeling a tightening of the pelvic floor muscles during the session. Typically six to eight treatments are required with one treatment per week. Some patients report improvement following the first few treatments, with symptom improvement continuing for several weeks post the last session.

Now is the time to stop “putting up with” urinary incontinence. For further information please contact Statera Integrated Health and Wellness and ask for a consultation today.

Editor’s note: Megan Reisch, DNP, is a board-certified Nurse Practitioner and a member of the American Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery. She has received training in several advanced aesthetic procedures and is offering industry-leading medical and cosmetic treatments.

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