Health & Wellness

Spiritual Enrichment – September 2021


Learn more about offerings at Sinsinawa Mound Center online or by contacting Arrangements at (608) 748-4411. Please check their website for current COVID protocols.

Sinsinawa Art Gallery: “With Every Leaf a Miracle” – Sep. 1-Oct. 11 @ 8 AM-7 PM
Patricia Mroczka began her love of art at St. Clara Academy, Sinsinawa, while taking four years of art classes from Sister Dolora Salter, OP (1892–1977). She has since studied art education at the Art Institute of Chicago and taken art classes from prominent artists in the Midwest. Her fondness for architecture also began at St. Clara and led her to an associate degree in architecture. Pat has incorporated this into her artwork for the past 30-plus years.

Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change – Saturday, Sept. 11 @ 9:30 AM-11:30 AM
This interactive workshop traces the historic and ongoing impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery, the 15th century legal justification for European subjugation of the land and peoples of this continent. The goal of the exercise is to increase awareness of these impacts, recognize them in ourselves and our institutions, and explore how we might begin to take actions toward right relationship with indigenous peoples.

Praying Our Troubling Emotions (Zoom) @ Wednesday, Sept. 15, 7 PM-8 PM
Emotions, both “positive” and “negative,” are part and parcel of being human. Yet we often find ourselves struggling with or against certain negative emotions, for example: anger, jealousy, sadness, etc. Nonetheless, these negative emotions carry important messages for us. Learning how to pray our negative emotions opens us to the messages and the gifts they offer us.

Sacred Gazing: Henri Nouwen’s Eye for Icons (Zoom) – Saturday, Sept. 18 @ 10 AM-12 PM
September 25 is the 25th anniversary of Henri Nouwen’s death. In honor of Henri’s contribution to the spiritual life, we offer this reflection on icons. He developed an eye for icons and invites us to “re-see” them, too. Icons can bring us into the inner room of prayer and closer to the heart of God. We will take time to learn about icons and learn ways to use them for prayer.

Natura Divina-Wild Church: Fall Equinox – Tuesday, Sept. 21 @ 5:30 PM-7 PM
Fire and song, ritual and community, prayer and quiet: this outdoor, ecumenical gathering is centered on honoring the sacred time of the fall equinox–a day of equal light and dark–and situating ourselves within the wider community of creation. Our Natura Divina-Wild Church gatherings draw on the liturgical calendar, Celtic spirituality and its calendar, as well as the growing Wild Church and Forest Church movements.

Sacred Lands Tour – Thursday-Sunday, Sept. 23-27
Join Eric Anglada and Brenna Cussan Anglada for a tour that will take participants on guided visits to indigenous sacred sites of Effigy Mounds National Monument at Harper’s Ferry, IA, and other sites in Minneapolis. The tour group will join the Gichitwaa Kateri Community–a Lakota and Ojibwe Catholic parish–for worship on Sunday morning. Participants will be walking moderate distances and sleeping on the floor. Space is limited to 10 participants.

Coddiwomple: Bringing Curiosity and Joy to Our Journey – Saturday, Sept. 25 @ 10 AM-4 PM
Coddiwomple means to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination. So often, our journey becomes weighed down with the seriousness of a desired and/or expected destination or outcome. Participants will approach their spiritual deepening with no idea what to expect. We will explore the benefits of coddiwomple as it relates to our authentic growth as spiritual beings.

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