
Upper Bee Branch Creek Project Receives Engineering Excellence Awards

The City of Dubuque Upper Bee Branch Creek Restoration Project was recently awarded state and national engineering excellence awards. The project was awarded the 2019 Grand Prize Award in the Special Projects category along with the 2019 Grand Conceptor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Iowa. The Grand Conceptor Award is presented to one project that stands out above all other entries, regardless of project category.

The project then went on to achieve a National Recognition Award in the ACEC 2019 Engineering Excellence Awards competition – the “Academy Awards of the engineering industry.” The National Recognition Award is a prestigious distinction honoring projects that have achieved top awards for excellence in state competitions.

The award was presented to Deron Muehring, Bee Branch project manager for the City of Dubuque, and Mike Jansen, CEO of IIW, an engineering, architecture and surveying firm headquartered in Dubuque. IIW served as one of the architectural and engineering consultants for the project.

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