
River Museum Takes Visitors Out of this World

The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is taking visitors out of this world with a new 4D movie experience. Presented by KCRG-TV, Wildest Weather in the Solar System will take audiences out of this world to Venus, Jupiter, and beyond.

Travel through the thick atmosphere of Venus, explore magnetic storms on the sun, discover liquid methane showers on Titan, and experience the voracious winds of Jupiter. Filled with high-end CGI effects, Wildest Weather in the Solar System is filled with eye-popping 3D visuals and 4D effects.

Wildest Weather runs from January through October 31, 2019. Movie tickets can be purchased independently or as part of a combination package with general admission, both online and at the box office. Members receive discounted rates. For movie times and to purchase tickets, visit

The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium is also proud to unveil their newest premier exhibit, arriving February 2 and running throughout the spring and summer seasons until September 8. The new exhibit takes visitors through seven fairy tales from around the world, with a grand opening of the exhibit on February 2 at 10:00 a.m.

This is an immersive children’s exhibit. Opening weekend will feature general admission prices at just $10/person, and the exhibit is included FREE with admission.

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