Wine & Brews

The Frosted Glass

What’s On Tap: Pseudo Sue

ABV: 5.8%

Who Brews It: Toppling Goliath Brewery

Where to Find It: Most grocery or liquor stores in the Dubuque Area

Expected Price: $12.99 to $13.99 for a 4-pack of 16 oz cans.

For many craft beer drinkers, Pseudo Sue needs no introduction. After all, this is the beer that put Iowa on the map for nationally acclaimed American pale ales. Look at almost any ranking of American pale ales and Pseudo Sue will be in the top ten, if not the top five. Brewed in Decorah, Iowa at Toppling Goliath Brewery, Pseudo Sue straddles the increasingly slim line between pale ale and IPA, and it does so spectacularly.

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